• Association of Maternal & Child Health Program

    Employer’s Perspective:

    AMCHP supports nursing moms by providing time, material resources and emotional support. They help employees meet their health goals for themselves and their children. ͞The organization also ensures a dedicated space for nursing mothers at conferences/meetings we organize.

    Employee’s Reaction:

    The support has been essential to me during two breastfeeding experiences. I provided my older child exclusive breastmilk until she reached one year. I’m now currently nursing my 7 month old and comfortably pump, store and clean my parts during my work day. I appreciate that our office culture is one that respects the break times needed and discusses openly the needs of nursing moms so that we feel highly supported throughout our experience. – A.H.

    AMCHP’s policy made transitioning back to work easier. Not only is there a comfortable, dedicated space to pump, but the policy also helps me feel comfortable in taking the time to pump each day. I don’t feel that I am a burden or asking for special accommodations; in fact, the policy helps me feel further supported and that the importance of breastfeeding for myself and other moms is shared and prioritized organization-wide. – K. T.