• 2018 Metropolitan Breastfeeding

    Employer’s Perspective:

    As a lactation practice we knew it was of utmost importance to provide a working environment that was breastfeeding-friendly. When our director of operations joined us she had a six month old and was pumping during working hours. By establishing space that was comfortable for her we were able to accommodate her needs as well as help her continue to be extremely productive – oftentimes she would take her laptop in with her to keep working, not because she had to but because she wanted to and was able to!

    Employee’s Perspective:

    Working at a lactation practice while breastfeeding is a dream come true! Not only did I have any item I needed at my fingertips, I had “on the fly” advice waiting for me when I had any questions or concerns. Being provided with time and space to pump let me do my job well, and I am so grateful that Metropolitan Breastfeeding truly extended the support of breastfeeding to their employees!