• Educare DC

    Employer’s Perspective:

    Having a lactation room here at our workplace gives an opportunity to our staff as well as parents to practice breastfeeding the right way. We promote and believe in the benefits of breastfeeding because it does not only provide excellent benefits to the child but as well as to the lactating mother. We also want to promulgate that breastfeeding is not hard and if one needs support we can refer them to different resources or link them to a lactation specialist.
    We have a Pregnant & Lactating Mom Circle (PLMC) here at Educare which serves pregnant and lactating mothers in our program as well as in the community. We serve and support our members by health education, sharing of information, and being a support during their pregnancy and beyond. Our circle is in partnership with March of Dimes program called Stork’s Nest and they provide 10 training sessions to our pregnant moms about different topics like healthy pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc. and they reward these mothers at the end of the program by giving them points that they can use to purchase their baby’s needs in one of the Stork’s Nest store.

    Employee’s Reaction:

    Educare has supported my journey in breastfeeding since my return from maternity leave. The health coordinator has connected me with various groups to help support me such as the Stork’s Nest. The health coordinator has provided me with a pump to use and educated me on proper sanitation. Educare has allowed me to pump outside of my lunch break which I greatly appreciate. The lactation room is one of the best I’ve seen honestly.